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Sunday, January 4, 2015

My Quasi-Participation in the 2015 Goodreads Challenge

Okay this rant is mostly brought on by this article on Book Riot and my struggle in 2014 to complete my Reading Challenge.

Last year I originally set my goal at 150 since in 2013 I had set it a 100 and read 113. I thought I should challenge myself except it didn't go as planned. I was frantically reading books, some I didn't even like all that much just to keep up. Every time I logged onto Goodreads and saw I was behind it stressed me out more than it should. I didn't have time to read fanfiction or even write and work on my own. So after accepting that 150 books was too much last year I changed it and set it to 120 and ended up reading 125 books. Now here it is 2015 and time to set a new challenge except I feel burned out, I want to read fanfiction and binge watch TV Shows and not worry about being behind on my challenge. So at the end of 2014 when I saw the above mentioned article it spoke to me on a spiritual level. I need a break to just read at leisure because I love reading I really do, but when something I love starts feeling like a chore it's time to make some changes. So this year I set my Reading Challenge to read one book. That's right, you read that right. One book. I know I'll probably far exceed that number, in fact I am expecting to, but I set it to one so I can relax and just see what I read this year. I'm taking the time so to binge watch Game of Thrones before the new season, and actually take my time reading to truly absorb every word on the page. I don' have to rush through books. I can reread books and not fret that I can't count them towards my goal. I can just stop and smell the roses... or spend six hours straight on Tumblr. Most likely the Tumblr option if I'm being honest. :) This also gives me time to do different things and invest time in my other hobbies, for instance I can finish some of my crochet projects I've abandoned and I have the time to help prepare things for my brother's wedding this November. (In which we're making all the flowers out of comic books and doing lots of other DIY decorations).

I'm expecting to get some well-meaning teasing from my co-workers and fellow book lovers at the Library but honestly I'm excited about the prospect of seeing what and how much I read when the pressure is off. So we can say I'm doing this in the name of science! I highly suggest you all read the Book Riot article I've mentioned above. It says all the things I'm feeling in a much more eloquent and organized manor. Everything the author talked about in the article I was internally screaming yes in agreement.

I look forward to reviewing more books, movies, and TV shows in 2015! Happy New Years and Happy Reading!

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